Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Silent Buses

I go to a University of 47,000 students. As soon as we get accepted to Texas A&M we have an instant connection, we are all Aggies now. So why is it when riding the bus, we ride in silence? I mean we all have at least one thing in common, so why do shut down as soon as we get in the presence of the thing that takes us to campus or home? Everytime I walk to the bus stop I tell myself, "okay, today i'm going to talk to the person I'm sitting next too, b/c this is just ridiculous!" So I get on the bus full of good intentions and see that the person I'm sitting next too has already cut me off with technology singing in their ears...the i-pod. So I have continued to ride in silence with the rest of the aggies on my bus. Its really sad. Today there was an awesome song from 90 's on (I can't remeber what is was right now). It took everything within me (kind of) to not get up and start dancing and telling people how silly it is that we don't enjoy our rides to campus and home by talking to eacher other. Maybe I should initiate a game...hmm.

I have been reading a bunch of books and different cultures. One of them was talking about how American's are so friendly and willign to offer opportunities to hang out with people, yet we never follow through it seems. I feel like in general (which I hate generalizations, but well here goes) that we tend to be consumed with how feel about something that we forget about the people around us. I'm selfish, i know that full well. Meeting and taking the opportunity to know other people are so important to how to gain different perspectives on the world. People are worth our time and our discomfort. I know how it feels when someone takes time to ask me about my life and just pay some attention to me...yet I'm so shy in returning it. I pray that I won't ride a silent bus for all my time at A&M. Its just sad.