Tuesday, August 2, 2011

12 days left of summer...a new adventure begins!

Well, summer camp is drawing to a close here at Camp Tejas. There is a part of me that is sad that it's ending and that this is really my last summer to play outside in the wonderful Texas heat at this glorious camp. I have made some wonderful friendships, cried a lot, laughed soooo much, I've been challenged in new ways and I'm more in love with my King. I feel like the summer has been a success and I'm thankful Simeon and I got to be here together. On the flip side, I'm sooo excited that in 12 days we will leave Camp Tejas and begin a new adventure. I'm sure you're wondering what that adventure may be...keep on reading!

A few weeks ago we went to the wonderful premiere of Harry Potter 7.2 with our good friends in Austin. We spent the next day with them chatting about how we all really want to live closer together and about how we desire to figure out a way to make it happen. We decided to list out many of the things we desire in the city we live in...things like art, culture, good weather, great recreational activities, aesthetically appealing, city size...etc. We decided on 9 different states that we would be interested in living in and then started looking at cities that would appeal to us in those states. Out of all the cities we looked at the only one city that seemed to fit all of our desires was Portland, Oregan. So we spent some time praying about it and decided that we feel like Portland, Oregan is where we are going to move September 15, 2011! We are not sure where we are living yet and no, we don't have jobs ...yet, but we feel a peace to follow the desires of our heart and trust that our God, Yahweh Yireh, our provider, is going to take care of us. We are full of joy and expectancy of what Portland holds for us.

The month we have before we leave for our road trip to Portland, we will be visiting with family and friends. If you feel led, we would covet your prayers. We want to be led by the Father in all that we do. Our heart is for Him and for His Kingdom. Pray that we will keep our eyes on Him in all that we do and not on ourselves. Pray that we will find good community. Pray that we will fall more in love with our Jesus and trust in Him for all things. Pray that I will have victory from fear. I don't want to live in bondage to fear any longer! We would love to hear what you all think and would sincerely appreciate you expressing your encouragement or concerns.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!" Psalm 37:4

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Camp Tejas: 1 month down 2 more to go :)

"Therefore, prepare your minds for your action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. but just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'be holy, because I am holy.'" 1 Peter 1:13-16

We have now been at Camp Tejas for one month! Its amazing how fast time has flown by. Our transition out of Houston to Giddings, was really quick but went really smoothly for the most part. We had some wonderful friends help us pack and move, which we are so grateful for.

Leaving Houston, for a time at least, has truly been good for our souls. I don't think I realized how suffocated I was feeling living in the big city. Our first day at Camp I immediately felt this heaviness lift off my soul. It literally felt like walking out of darkness into the light. Don't get me wrong, we really did enjoy our time in Houston and really made some great friendships, but we are still trying seeking as to weather or not that is where we need to return after summer...but I'm not going to write about that this time :)

So, camp its been great (We hope you can tell by our photos)! We really are having a blast. We are working some really long hours, but we get to be with friends while doing it, so it doesn't feel like work so much. Along with working we are studying and memorizing Matthew 7, focusing on holiness, as a staff and then the guys and girls are studying different topics once a week. The girls are studying about choosing forgiveness, thankfulness, and security in Christ. The guys are reading a book called "Stepping Up: A call to courageous manhood" by Dennis Rainey.

There is so much that God is doing in our lives and the other staff members. I really feel like God wants to use this summer to show us how much He loves us and wants to restore the broken things of our past. I have found that I have been so bitter and cynical this past year. I really want to find freedom from bitterness and all negativity. I want to see people as Christ sees people and not just see the negative things. I feel slowly but surely, God is pulling these negative layers away and revealing to me truth once again. One of the ways He showed me this was with a group that was just here. One evening they wanted to do some baptisms at the Pool, so I had to go down and open the pool up and hang out until they were finished. There were over 90 baptisms that evening. Amazing, right. Unfortunately that was not my first thought. My first thought was the cynical side of me saying, " I wonder if its for real, I mean is this really going to change their life, do they really know what they are committing to?" I thought this while watching people hug and cry for about 45 minutes. Then I felt a whisper in my heart saying, "well, you chose to follow Me at camp when you were only 12, and you did, you let Me change you and you let Me lead you, not always, but you did choose Me and it stuck with you...so why beloved can you not believe the same for my children you are critically observing?" I was struck by my hardness of heart and began to tear up and remember all of the times that I cried because of Jesus...so many times I have cried. I was reminded that choosing Christ brings tears to the eyes of a heart that is in so much need of a savior. Your soul feels the relief when you finally say "okay, I can't do it anymore...I need you my King, please come and take me and make me yours." I pray that the Lord will continue to soften my heart and give me eyes to see. I need Him so desperately. There is so much sanctification that needs to happen in my life. I'm thankful that God has so much patience and that He never gives up on His children. Praise His glorious name that so many children chose to make Him their Lord and Savior during that week. I pray that they do make their lives all about Him.

Thanks for taking the time to read this brief update. I'll try to update more often. If you feel lead would love some prayer. I have listed some prayer requests below. Also, if you want to check out more photos from Camp Tejas you can follow this link http://photos.camptejas.org/Summer-Staff/2011.

Prayer Requests:

- What to do in the fall? Where to go?
- Freedom from bitterness and negativity
- Patience in leading
- That we would love unconditionally
- That Simeon and I would use our time well
- That we would grow more in discipline
- Relationships with other staff
- Health
- That would be completely surrendered to Christ's will for our lives



Thursday, April 28, 2011

Big changes

A lot has happened in the last 3 weeks. A LOT! I started working at the pre-school I am suppose to teach swim lessons at this summer. I have sooo enjoyed the last 3 weeks there. I'm officially in love with all 3-4 year olds. Its such a fun age and they are just too cute and sweet. Sadly, my last day is on Friday.

So here is the big News...we quit out jobs and we are moving away from Houston in 2 weeks. Crazy, I know, but we are so excited and feel so relieved to get out of here for a time.

So where are we going? We are moving to work at Camp Tejas in Giddings, TX. I worked there for 3 summers and enjoyed every minute of it...nearly ;). We are so excited that we get to work out there together, grow more in our walks with God, and just get to be out in the beautiful nature that God has created for us. Did I mention that we are really excited??

So right now we are packing, getting rid of a bunch of stuff, we are going to make a quick run to Alabama for a few days to see my family. Then we'll come back and have a fun Stella and Dot party, garage sale, say some goodbyes, move what we can into storage and then off to Camp Tejas for 3 months. We have a busy couple of weeks, but we are really excited.

If you feel led, we would love some prayer during this time and this summer. Please pray that the Lord will soften our hearts and make us very teachable and humble this summer. Pray that I will trust in the Lord for all things and not let my anxiety take hold of me. Pray that everything would go smoothly in moving, sale and donating out stuff.

I'll be updating periodically this summer to let everyone know what is going with us, so check in to see our adventures!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not the best, but pretty good


I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

Bob, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.

'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said,
'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a
Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 4

Completed day 4 of the shred. Its getting a wee bit easier...so thankful that Simeon is doing it with me. Hope everyone has had a great Saturday.

Friday, February 18, 2011

3 job possibilities...really?!?

I had my interview today for an ESL aid position. I was super nervous and I felt way under qualified...it went okay. I had a difficult time understanding the principle, but aside from that I felt good about my responses. So, I was kind of surprised that he called me 4 hours later to ask me to come in for a 2nd interview on Monday!!! I still don't feel super stoked about the position, but I feel so excited that I could actually qualify.

I did hear back from the other school I interviewed at for the swim instructor job this summer and guess what.... I GOT IT!!! I'm so excited!! I love being outside so much and it will give me some great experience with teaching kids to really see if I want to continue down the road of teaching.

So for now I will continue working at Starbucks and then transition over to swim lessons come May. We'll see what happens with this ESL position...

Now for the shred...


Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Shred...

Yesterday I started the 3o day shred. Its a rear kicking exercise program!!! My hubs and I just finished and we both feel like we could pass out. And get this...its only a 20 min. workout! We are pathetic! My goal is to really stick to my guns and do the work out everyday for 30 days. I'll let you know if I keep to it ;)

In other news I finally have a job! I am now a barista at Starbucks. I also have had another interview for the summer as a swim instructor for little ones...I really hope I get it because I would love to have an excuse to be outside everyday playing in the water with kids. AND...I have another job interview tomorrow for an ESL teaching position. I also have 2 other prospects...but they are still prospects. I'm so thankful to finally have so many opportunities. The Lord has been so good to provide for us just with Simeon working. My sweet husband has been so encouraging and patient while I figure out what I want to do. None of the things above are really what I want to do long term, but they are going to help me get there (more about that later ;).
Thank you my King for your provision and how
much you love your children. Please guide us
in the way we should walk and help us to keep
our eyes on you in everything we do. May we
seek, do and serve all for your glory and not
for our own. You are so faithful and good Papa.
your daughter

Good Night!